Here is all the Weapons you can get in TWINE
Seamaster Speargun Capacity: 2 rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Ammunition: Spears
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Double-barrelled speargun suitable for underwater use. Barrels can be fired singly or both together.
Delta 900 Mag
Capacity: 5 rounds
Damage: High
Range: Medium
Ammunition: Bolts
Zoom: Up to x4
Pump-action crossbow with detachable magazine. Developed for the hunting market, the Delta 900 is also an effective sniping weapon.
Wolfram P2K
Capacity: 16 rounds
Damage: Low
Range: Low
Ammunition: 9mm
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Light weight, high-capacity semi-automatic pistol. Another classic from Wolfram GmbH. Alternate fire is silenced.
Raptor Magnum
Capacity: 8 rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Ammunition: .44 Mag
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.44 Magnum semi-automatic pistol. The heavy calibre round means there is only limited magazine capacity. Alternate fire uses laser sight.
Mustang .44
Capacity: 6 rounds
Damage: High
Range: Medium
Ammunition: .44 Mag
Zoom: Up to x2.5
.44 Magnum revolver from Mustang Industries, popular with big-game hunters. Slow to fire and reload, this pistol has impressive range and stopping power.
Meyer TMP
Capacity: 25 rounds
Damage: Low
Range: Medium
Ammunition: 9 mm
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Small machine pistol with a high rate of fire. Light weight, but remarkably tough and very reliable. Alternate fire is single-shot.
Deutsche M45
Capacity: 25 rounds
Damage: Medium
Range: Medium
Ammunition: .45ACP
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Heavy-calibre submachine gun. An update of the classic M9, this sacrifices rate of fire for more stopping power. Alternate fire is 2-round burst.
Deutsche M95
Capacity: 30 rounds
Damage: Low
Range: Medium
Ammunition: 9mm
Zoom: Up to 4x
Silenced submachine gun with telescopicsight. Designed for covert missions. Alternate fire is laser-targeted but single-shot only.
Ingalls Type 20
Capacity: 30 rounds
Damage: Medium
Range: Medium
Ammunition: .45ACP
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Silenced heavy machine pistol with a high rate of fire. Popular among terrorists and urban criminals. Alternate fire is single-shot.
Capacity: 50 rounds
Damage: Medium
Range: High
Ammunition: 5.7 mm
Zoom: Up to 1.5x
High power, high-capacity personal defense weapon from Munitions Belguiqe. Reloading is however rather slow. Alternate fire is single shot.
Soviet KA-57
Capacity: 30 rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Ammunition: 7.62 mm
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Heavy assault rifle with good stopping power but limited accuracy. Standard issue weapon for the Russian military. Alternate fire is 3-round burst.
Meyer Bullpup
Capacity: 30 rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Ammunition: 5.56 mm
Zoom: Up to x3
Compact and highly accurate assault rifle. Carrying handle features a telescopic sight. Alternate fire is fully automatic.
Mustang MAR-4
Capacity: 30 rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Ammunition: 5.56 mm
Zoom: Up to x2
Fast-firing assault carbine manufactured by Mustang Industries for the US military. Alternate fire is 3-round burst.
Mustang MAR-4GL
Capacity: 1 round
Damage: Very High
Range: High
Ammunition: 40 mm
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A MAR-4 carbine with an under-barrel single-shot grenade launcher. Alternate fire is HE grenade.
Frinesi Special 12
Capacity: 8 rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Ammunition: 12 guage
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Shotgun capable of pump-action or automatic fire Inaccurate at a distance and slow to reload, but powerful.
Suisse SSR 4000
Capacity: 5 rounds
Damage: High
Range: Very high
Ammunition: 7.62 mm
Zoom: Up to x5
Superbly accurate sniper rifle with silencer and telescopic sight. Designed for covert missions, the bolt action makes it slow to fire and reload.
Deutsche SA90
Capacity: 20 rounds
Damage: High
Range: Very high
Ammunition: 7.62 mm
Zoom: Up to x5.5
Automatic sniper rifle with powerful sights. Capable of semi-automatic fire, this is designed for military use.
GL 40
Capacity: 1 round
Damage: Very high
Range: High
Ammunition: 40 mm
Zoom: Up to x2
Single-shot grenade launcher. Usually these grenades explode on impact, but on alternate fire they explode after a five second delay.
RL 22
Capacity: 1 round
Damage: Very high
Range: Very high
Ammunition: Rockets
Zoom: Up to x2
Disposable anti-tank rocket launcher. Very damaging but must be discarded after single use.
Capacity: 4 rounds
Damage: Very high
Range: Very high
Ammunition: Missiles
Zoom: Up to x4
Multi-tube missile launcher designed for use against armored vehicles or helicopters. Once fired, missile is guided by user by pointing laser dot at desired target. Alternate fire is unguided fully automatic.
Sticky Grenade
Small explosive devices which can be attached to most surfaces, and which detonate with great force after 5 seconds.
Stun Grenade
These are used to disorient and subdue targets rather than do any permanent damage, generating 1,000,000 candela of light and 175 decbels of noise. This will cause 5-15 seconds of disorientation to anyone within a 10 meter radius.
Frag Grenade
Fragmentation grenade with a time-delay fuse. On detonation, the blast and shockwave will effect an area of 15m radius.
Watch: Stunner
Capacity: 100
Damage: Stun
Range: Low
Ammunition: Recharges
Fires an ultravoilet laser beam down which an electrical current is passed. Target is immobilized but suffers no lasting damage. Power cell recharges automatically.
Watch: Dart
Designed to look like a normal wristwatch, this is actually a concealed dart gun activated by nerve impulses from the wrist muscles. It is intended for covert infiltration missions, and fires small tranquilizer darts capable of dropping a fully-grown man on the spot.
Watch: Laser
A short-range cutting laser is built into the watch. The beam will cut through most materials but rapidly depletes the watch's power cell.
Watch: Grapple
The watch contains a miniature grappling hook with 50' high-tensile micro-filament able to support 800 lbs. Zoom: up to x4. Look out for grapple points like the one shown here